Categories: NewsFlash
      Date: Sep 25, 2009
     Title: Public consultation on the future of Europeana
In the context of its Digital Libraries Initiative, the EC has now launched a public consultation on the next steps forĀ  the future development of Europeana, Europe's digital library, archive and museum. Questions will address a variety of issues including the involvement of the public-private sector partnerships in Europeana.

Based on the Communication "Europeana - Next Steps", adopted on 28 August, 2009, the consultatin will also address how in-copyright content can be made searchable through Europeana.

The Digital Library community is invited participate in this consultation and to express your opinion about the future of the European digital library. The deadline for submitting questions is 15 November, 2009.

More information can be found on the homepage of the EC i2010 Digital Libraries Initiative.