Categories: DL Events
      Date: Mar  9, 2009
     Title: 13th European Conference on Digital Libraries, 27 Sept - 2 Oct 2009, Corfu

The beautiful island of Corfu, Greece, hosts the 13th European Conference on Digital Libraries, ECDL'09, which this year focuses on Digital Societies.

The conference explores new challenges for Digital Libraries prompted by the expansion of the social networking applications bringing new user communities, as well as a renewed focus on metadata to address these challenges.

The implication of user communities in various facets of information management stages, such as the creation of new information, enrichment of information artifacts, sharing and distribution of information objects, filtering of relevant items and so on, calls for a thorough examination of the metadata issues and services that augment all of these activities.

This multifaceted conference comprises Special Tracks on infrastructures; content; services and foundations; tutorials; workshops; posters and demonstrations.

Conference hosts: The Laboratory on Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing, Department of Archives and Library Sciences, Ionian University.

ECDL09 Flier on the conference committees