Categories: NewsFlash
      Date: May  4, 2010
     Title: Headway for Earth Science Repositories 
Over the course of the GENESI-DR project we have seen the creation of a new data infrastructure providing search and retrieval of Earth Science data held in diverse digital repositories across Europe.

The GENESI_DR (Ground European Network for Earth Science Interoperations_Digital Repositories) community is made up of digital repositories (DR) of Earth Science data, Earth scientists, users of this data, and processing services. Each of the digital repositories that make up GENESI-DR can have their own data policy, with only a subset of users interested in consulting data from this DR.GENESI-DR must therefore provide a mechanism to differentiate between the rights and responsibilities of each user and to associate restrictions to be applied to a given DR.


As the project draws to a close, the April issue of the GENESI newsletter will provide further information on how this infrastructure, which will remain in place, can be used by the science community. This, either from the point of view of the data user who is looking for data, or from that of the data provider, looking to achieve broader use of their data.

Download the April 2010 Newsletter here.