Autumn School

Digital Libraries and Digital Repositories: Modelling, Best Practices & Interoperability, 3-8 October 2010, Athens, Greece

"Since around 1991 the digital library field has emerged, so now there are thousands of papers in the field, and thousands of digital librarians. However, we face many challenges in making our systems interoperable, and in helping our users develop a clear model of what services they provide. While there are online resources to help people keep up with all this, i.e., to support teaching and learning about digital libraries (e.g., Curriculum on Digital Libraries), it is helpful to attend focused events like the Autumn School to gain a perspective on the field and to find answers to important questions."
Edward Fox, Professor of Computer Science, Virginia Tech



Participants hail the Autumn School a huge success

The Autumn School, 3-8 October 2010 brought together a group of enthusiastic students (pictured with lecturers) to gain insights into digital libraries and digital repositories along the perspectives of content, functionality, users, policy, quality and architecture, the six core domains captured in the DL Reference Model, which is being taken forward from DELOS.

Best practices and interoperability scenarios were also key features of the School. Internationally established lecturers led each of the half-day sessions and most of them were on-site throughout the week for further discussion.The Autumn School offered participants an important opportunity to network and socialise with other researchers, international experts, and practitioners across disciplinary and national boundaries. Testimonies & Take-home messages.

Blogs on the Autumn School: Students hail the Autumn School a huge Success; Interoperability Challenges: One Perspective; Seamus Ross on Digital Libraries.


The Autumn School was hosted by the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Athens and opens with a Welcome Reception on the evening of Sunday 3 October 2010 at the Golden Age Hotel. 

